Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day of Days

In the past, I have written about events that span periods of time. This post will be a deviation from that practice. This post will cover only a single day I had last week.

The day is Sunday, and for the first time, I am attending mass at the local Catholic Cathedral. All 3 masses to be exact, each at 1.5-2 hrs long. Why would I do this you ask? Well I find myself in need of paper bead makers for a project I'm starting, and mass on Sunday provides the largest guaranteed audience. So 3 times I stand in front of a crowd 200+, to tell them I need their bead makers. What I have not told them (yet) is that this project is a copy of Smiles' project, just with a Marsh twist on the operation. Competition is beautiful.

After lunch with Father Kayaye, off to the Soroti Golf Club I went. I have been acting as a technical adviser to the businessman who is reviving the Golf Club and spent an hour or so going over improvement plans and marketing methodology.

Around 2 or 3, and my scheduled yoga lesson with Chelsea came up, so off to Eneku Village I went. Every time I do yoga here (I try to do it in public as much as possible) it always turns in to a spectacle; the white man fighting a desperate battle against gravity, which he will lose, as he does every time. However, I'm fairly well known at Eneku, as it has hosted several of my parties and some of my students work there. This led to only polite questions about why I was contorting myself in to unnatural positions and calling it "exercise". It also led to me getting a ride back to town. The people you know...

Back in town, around 5, I called my friend Gorka, the Spanish director of an emergency relief German NGO. He and I have been bonding rather hedonistically of late; we have a man date almost every week. Today however cannot be like our friday and saturday shenanigans as we both have to work the next day. So I pick up snacks in town: rolex, banana bread, and chips... also beer. About half the beer was consumed when we hiked up one of the smaller volcanic plugs in senior quarters. The view is even more spectacular when augmented with a 2 beer climb. As evening turned to night we drove back to his house where our mutual friend Achuma (a local boxing instructor and sometimes bodyguard) was babysitting Gorka's newborn daughter. After eating snacks we introduced Achuma to the video game Dead Space 2 (Gorka has an Alienware laptop). I have never this reaction before to a horror anything, but Achuma would rather play with Jen and the baby than us as (quote) "that game is too scary". In his defense Dead Space 2 is even more dismember-y than the first.

After satiating our lust for alien slaughter, we played Red Alert 3. Having played this one before I instructed Gorka in the subtle art of Uber-Mirco, in so much as to defeat an enraged Tim Curry playing the part of a Russian Premier, or conversely Lieutenant Sulu (I mean George Takei) playing the Japanese Emperor.

I have always believed that westernization is a "step at a time" process, and playing modern video games only took a year. Perhaps I'll make a beer in addition to honey wine next month...

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